Friday, December 02, 2005

Coping with my own personal little demons here, so not feeling too social. Must be the dark cold days thats doing it. Really want to go curl up like a spitting cat next to a big fire all by myself to sleep. But needs must, and the family make me smile!

Children are all doing well. Viviennes reading is coming on great, and everyday she surprises me on how quick she is picking things up. RJ's words are getting better and better all the time, he comes out with at least 2 new things i didn't know he knew let alone could say. And Ley is shifting herself forward slowly on her belly, but she gets so frustrated, for every shift forward she lays and sobs into her arms for a minute, and then throws her legs around!!

Getting back to my housework now.


At 2:19 pm, Blogger Tim said...

hope you get your va-va-voom back soon! :) ~ Sarah


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