Thursday, December 29, 2005

And relax....

What a manic few days we have had. Before christmas was quite laid back, specially with the children not being well, but the last few days we haven't been at home. We had to go see friends and family. The children still haven't been too well, but holding up.

Ley loved her presents..while they were still wraped!! She did get the idea of ripping them open tho, which she found very funny. (excuse over weight mummy in pic ;) i really must loss weight in the new year!!)

Ryan was very pleased to find out the pretty boxes that had been turning up under the tree were actually full of goodies, and didn't need any help with his!!

Vivienne done very well this year, she had loads!! And it was all good stuff too. Some stuff to have great fun with. She got a game for her vsmile, which she jumped straight into!

It was all too much for ley, so she had a nap with her new rattle :)
All in all a great day, mummy came over to help with the christmas dinner ;) Which was enjoyed by us and my mum, dad and sister. Then a lovely relaxing evening.
Since then tho we really haven't stopped for longer than 30 minutes till today, which the children have spent relaxing in their pj's!!! :)

Hope everybody has had a great christmas, now for new year.


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