Monday, June 04, 2007


Only a day out!!!

What to talk about first? hmm . How bout a trip to the park today. With the new bike came the need to ride with out stabilisers. So today was day one, and actually it went better that expected

She was getting along quite well before we stopped for lunch. Don't know how much Dad liked all the running!!

The babies enjoyed watching dad run around tho!!

We are quite lucky at this park, we have one of these

Two of these

and.... *sighs* one of these have just hatched.

Ok lets move on to the children :)

No. 4 - 20 umm 25 weeks almost. All seems healthy with baby, my hips are giving me trouble, but so far i am copeing fine. This one seems quite moody (!) and does not like anything touching my belly..and protests strongly!

No. 2 and 3 - are being potty trained. Ley is having the hardest time, because she is doing the best so far. She tries so hard to please and do well that she gets quite upset everytime she thinks she is going to wee! Ryan is not having a hard time cause quite franckly he has not bothered to join in our potty training!! But as a mum i can say i know he is ready!! Nappies are gone, he will just have to adapt!

No. 1 - Reading is going really well. We are following a 'program' to help children that like her have difficulty decoding the sounds even though they are hearing them. So far it seems to have really helped. If anybody has this problem, they will understand what i am talking about. Where they pretty much read the word, but still have no idea what they have said, cause they can't hear the word in the sounds. When we reach the end, if it continues to help as much as it is now, i shall post links. Maths as usual is good, but we are going to begin singapore maths, more as a back up and record in conjunction with what i call 'household' maths and montessorri matterials. Projects and play all going well :) Brownies loved.

So many other little bits done and completed including the beautiful wedding of my cousin

And lastly before i go to do housework while they sleep, i leave you with a picture that makes me feel all warm and fuzzy lol. The childrens 3 cloth dolls enjoying the sunshine after a bath :)

Friday, June 01, 2007

For Sarah

Just when I say I will be more active with my blog, I get dragged down by tiredness. My evening tends to be filled up with snoozes on the sofa. But I declare, it's not my fault!!

Whos fault is it then i hear you cry..well..

Meet baby number 4 .......
Will do a big post sunday..honest