Thursday, June 30, 2011

from busy to busier.

Never seem to stop for a moment!!!!!!!!!
Updates. On everything, i can remember while sat drinking my coffee.

House first. The decorating is going so slow, our money hit rock bottom for a while, as no doubt it is many people right now. Our garden has turned into a complete tip while we work on both the inside, and the removal of a huge huge conifer. It's down, and the bulk of it gone, but we still have alot of smaller branches to burn. Little Spuds bedroom is 100% done now tho, as is the kitchen (though i would like new cooker and fridge) and the bathroom and toilet, and for the most part the girls room ( i want to add some more furniture) The lounge is proving to be slow though, we are doing lots of built in storage, and it's taking forever.

Craft. As usual i have 101 crafts on the go. I have recently finished a poncho from the 'art of crochet' magazine. It's far far too warm to be wearing though, so went straight into my wardrobe, but i will get a photo soon.
Have also started to make some snoods. I'm a a vintage girl (if you hadn't noticed lol) and after going to a vintage/craft fair i am inspired to have a stall in December when they have another. So i am trying to stock pile a few crafts.

Me and hubby. It's our anniversary Sunday. I'm so thankful to be with a man i adore more than anything. I wouldn't cope without him.

We are going to see The Overtones in October. My want, not so much his lol. But he is all too happy to indulge me, and has already bought his trilby hat so he will not look out of place when i am all dressed up :)

The Kids. Vivienne is starting school in September. She goes to an introduction morning tomorrow. The uniform is going to cost me a fortune!! We will see how it goes. If it doesn't go well, then she can leave. We have picked a school with lots of media, art, drama and music activities, and it's safety record is top of the score board. But it's very much a wait and see. We are both very excited for this chapter, and she does indeed now feel ready. Of course we are quite nervous too.
The other three are still at home, and WILL be till high school age when we will have the same choice. I see it so very important for children to be playing at this young age.

Animals. This has to be one of the busiest areas right now. For Christmas Ryan wanted bugs. He is very interested in bugs, and lucky for him father Christmas bought him a praying mantis. All the children enjoyed watching his life cycle. Then for his birthday we got some snails. Which i took a great interest in and added quickly to the collection.

The smallest of the collection (the third snail picture) had some babies, they seem good, strong and healthy now, so if anyone would like a pair, i will only ask for p&p. They are only about 3cm shell length so do not take up much space or food, and they are quite a resilient breed.

Then Leyonce got some caterpillars, which were amazing to watch, the speed at which they grew was scary.
To finish off the bug collection i got a tarantula. I used to have quite a collection of tarantulas when i was younger, so am not new to the hobby. I got a salmon pink spiderling, which is a large, quick growing bird eater.

That would have been it...if...

this guy had not appeared on our back door step late one night. He's been named John Doe. I put out notes in local shops and passed on the word, but no one claimed him. He is gorgeous, and my absolute baby. Once we had him a while we went and got him a big cage. He is so so tame that he needs to be indoors, he loves to play and cuddle. We planned to let him stay with us, and get his manhood removed (to remove his smell) but unfortunately i have discovered that i am very allergic to him. I am quite heart broken. His cage cost over a £100, so i am hoping to sell that for £75 as it is only weeks old. And John can stay put ( i will just have to cope and look terrible) till i find him an ideal home. I have had people offer to take him, but they want him in a outside hutch to be a working ferret, but John is most defiantly a pet, he loves running round the house, playing with toys and curling up on the sofa for a nap. I am so sad he has to go, he has become my baby bear and i love him to bits.

Last but not least (instead most exciting) My beautiful yorkshire terrier Kitty is expecting PUPPIES. They should arrive in just over a week. It's hard to believe she is two years old already. She has a big busy belly which i love to watch and feel. We are already for her, and just hoping for a good healthy whelp.