Saturday, February 20, 2010

On to the next milestone.

I do hope you all had your loved ones around you for valentines. I made these piggies for my hubby for Valentines. They are Monokuro boo, a japanese character by San-x. They look good kissing each other, and as a bonus they are great to throw!

Love my mummy and daddy loads so i filled them a parcel bag of heart, and made up a bag of bon bons and chocolate hearts. They was pleased when it arrived through the post.

Lastly, I have finished up a doll dress. This is Ahava, she is a Blythe fakie, all the ugly looks none of the cost. I shall give her her own post once i have customized her, which i am looking forward to, i want to try quite a bit of work on this doll.

Craft wise I am now working on a doll for strawberry puff. She will be five the end of the month. We treat her as older than she is, she acts like it, sometimes i have to check myself that she is only four, but not for long, and as Spud just reached six, she is pleased to be gaining another year.

Beady is starting to potty train. I was going to wait for the summer so i could do it with the back door open, and not have to worry about accidents so much, but i am so ready to say goodbye to nappies now. We will not be having anymore children, and though a small part deep in my heart weeps about this, the rest of my being is embracing it, and pleased to be saying good bye to the baby stages and watching my children grow. I am quite pleased to know it won't get anymore hectic than this too.

Right now i best go do some quick housework before we practice abit of shape drawing and look at letters. I am not one to rush little people, i am not at all keen on the English idea of forcing the 3 R's down children's throats at such a young age. So Spud and Strawberry Puff are still getting it easy. Best kick that 10 year old of mine off of 'hello Kitty Online' and get her doing some work though.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Happy Valentines day

Friday, February 12, 2010

Have to post

Time, time, who has the time????

I have to post, I need to post! I have many things i want to post about, many things i am working on, but none finished and ready for posting. Dolls clothes, new dolls, birthday presents, valentines gifts, poppets, swaps and crochet, I have so much on the go. So i shall leave my crafting posts till... well i can :)

Today my sweet little puppy went for her first haircut. I am a silly doggy mummy, and was very nervous leaving her. But she was great, and i think enjoyed herself lol. AND she looks beautiful.

She did most defiantly look beautiful before. But as it is my job to keep her clean, i was well aware that the long coat had to come off. It was changing from baby hair to adult hair, which give whats called 'the fuffys'. Basically it was matting at the change point. Also now when she was a drink of water she no longer drips it all over my kitchen, which is good.

Now on to another love of mine. Gaming. A few peeps reading this know about my love of gaming, and rpg's. Well I HAVE to mention 'Mabinogi'. Man, i have been waiting to play this for at least 3 years. It has been unavalible in europe for ages, but at last they have the licence, and i can play :)

We are enjoying it alot :) As far as an RPG goes, it's got what you need plus extra, and i love the look of it :)