One in One out
Well many things have happened in the last year
- Granma passed away
- Leyonce was born
- Ryan had his first birthday
- My totally fabulous Dad did the london marathon in memory of grandad who died last year
- we moved house to somewere with abit more stability
- we took Vivienne out of school
- Vivienne became 6!!!!!
It's strange the last two years i have had a big heavy bump this time of year, must be why i am missing my baby bump!!
I don't normally do new years resolutions, but this year i really feel i must, there is alot of myself that i really don't like at the moment, it is making me unhappy.
- Get a clue!!! lol
- Sort out my umm, i would say personal hygiene, but that makes me sound dirty lol, make more of an effort, putting in my contact lenses each day like i used to, put hair up nice, wear make-up.......
- do stuff when i think of them, not 'later'
- organise my day
- organise myself
- go to bed earlier
- get up earlier
- do everything i say i will
- sort out my dollies, so i sell more through my bussiness
- contact friends and family more regular
- have christmas and birthdays sorted out the begining of year!!!
- love my husband even more!!
- cook more yummy stuff
- cook more yummy stuff with the kids
- do more gardening
- finish any courses i have began
- clean up after myself, and at end of day
- have my house at an acceptable level of tidiness to invite people in 24/7
- ummm stop smoking!!!!!!
Think i'm done lol, i got my work cut out! I will review quarterly!! :)
Hope everybody has a good night, and hope next year is good for you.